Thursday, May 14, 2009

You've been HOODWINKED!

So last night I decided to take a break from my grueling work of trying to set up my new "business" (Haha, I still feel like a fool for actually setting one up, but I'm actually thinking that this might work! It's already starting to make some progress). My brother decided to come over with this movie I had never even heard of. Hoodwinked.

It's like a total remix on Little Red Riding Hood, and it's animation. It definitely had some funny parts, but I don't know if it's something I would watch again on my own! There was one certain part involving a ram that made me laugh for like 10 minutes straight. Haha, still gets me.

So it's Day 4 of my business... There's SO much reading involved... OIY! But I'm actually learning a lot. Even if this falls through I'm learning some great marketing tactics that would really work for any business. They say it usually takes 3 to 4 weeks to start to get good traffic and your first sale, I'm going to try and make it by the end of this week! I gots bills to pay! haha. Well, I'm off to read and write articles.. fun fun!

Wish me luck!

Love to all,
Ashley V!


  1. good luck on your business! what kind of business is it by the way?

  2. I wish you luck, can I come join you on that beach??

    Come and visit if you can.
